Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Some things I've learnt today:

I don't always have to repay our kindness by helping someone as much as they have helped me, for they may have their other friends/family members too. (eg. I don't always have to be the listening ear for someone who has listened to me before)

Showing my gratitude and doing things for them in other ways (there are so many ways of showing concern) might actually be enough.

So pay if forward and spread the love!


I can't simply follow what others deem as "right" because the logic and reasoning behind it must make sense for me. It's like how a certain medicine can cure many people but you, so we can't force "good" things upon ourselves without a discerning eye, can we?

It's not as if I don't accept whatever people say about me, I just have to be convinced enough that it's good for me so.. it's not as though I don't value anybody's opinion, it just makes more sense to access something from all angles than to simply follow others' "success menu".

Also, I believe everybody makes mistakes, everybody is different and everybody changes so there isn't a reason to stay angry at anybody for long if we try to see things from their point of view.

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